Hairchitect outdoor banner

Brief: To create a outdoor banner for Hairchitect and help establish the brand for younger generations.

Hairchitect develops various hair styling and cleansing products for both consumers and salons.

CES – BlueSky Energy Booth design

Brief: To design a two-wall trade booth for BlueSky Energy at the CES2023.

BlueSky Energy Techonolgy realize for humanity to thrive, it is hugely dependent on a conducive environment. We are committed to work with our clients and partners to bring blue sky back and to live & thrive.

YWCA – Backdrop & Counter design

Brief: To design and install the backdrop and counter for a photography event for the elderly.

YWCA Elderly Service serves all, from frail elders who need nursing care, to healthy young olds who have just retired, with our diversified services ranging from day care and residential care services, community and caretakers support, continuing learning, etc.

Health Expo – Yan Chai Booth design

Brief: To design and oversee installation for the Yan Chai Booth at Health Expo.

Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department provides 3 main types of service: elderly, rehabilitation, youth and child care services.  Around 30 sorts of services are rendered through over 50 service units which are located all over the territory.

CUHK JCGCP – Banner design

Brief: To design a front door banner to present the values and prospect of the project.

CUHK JCGCP promotes “healthy ageing” and “ageing in place” and, most importantly, intergenerational solidarity in family and community as to enhance sustainability of intergenerational harmony.

DF Creative Home Pop-up Booth design

Brief: To design a pop-up booth for DF Living, a mosquito net specialist.

DF Creative Home provides a variety of safety nets for windows to keep mosquitos out, children and pets save in your home at a reasonable price.

Summer Commodity Delivery Truck design

Brief: To design a front door banner to present the values and prospect of the project.

CUHK JCGCP promotes “healthy ageing” and “ageing in place” and, most importantly, intergenerational solidarity in family and community as to enhance sustainability of intergenerational harmony.